OPENING RECEPTION: “To Bend Without Breaking”
Scarritt Bennett Center Facebook Live 1027 18th Avenue South, Nashville, TN, United StatesSome images have the power to change us: to reduce stress, to inspire us, to teach us, to energize us, to heal us, to reconnect us to our souls. These images invite you to pause, to breathe, to go beneath the surface, to feel and think more deeply, to wander inside our own souls, to reconnect with our creative energy and to touch the Mystery. These images reflect attitudes and practices that help one survive with hope when times are rough. LASKEY GALLERY at Scarritt Bennett Center, GALLERY HOURS Mon.–Fri., 9am–4pm, EXHIBIT DATES January 9 - March 23, 2023. Free and open to the public. Opening Reception - Jan. 19, 4:30-6:30 pm