One Year Later
I started writing this early in the morning on January 6, one year after the events that occurred at the U.S. Capitol. Some called this mass demonstration a patriotic revolution, while others told us this was an attempted coup to overthrow the government and tear down democracy. However one perceives the events of the day, the significant fractures and fragility of our democracy were highlighted and fueled by fear in the angry rhetoric, violence, and distorted theories of what it means to be an American.
Much has been written and researched about what happened on that day. Again, there will be many and varied perspectives. How do we choose to listen? What is truth, and how do we discern truth amidst so much information constantly coming at us?
A friend told me when I retired to always stay curious. I try to do that. I try to listen and pay attention to more than just the words spoken. I try to ask questions, and to respond rather than react when I hear things with which I strongly disagree. I try to sort through what feels right and good and what does not. I try to listen to that still small voice of God within myself and within others. I talk with friends and associates I trust and respect, and together we wrestle with complex issues so we can learn and grow.
And I pray. I begin each day with a prayer of loving kindness, mercy and grace for others and myself.
One thing I do know is that we have work to do if we’re going to build that kin-dom as God intends it to be for all.
One year later, I want to remind everything that January 6 also marks another significant day for the world: Epiphany. Epiphany, the manifestation of God’s Word made flesh.
I believe God’s love will manifest within and among us to do God’s will, including speaking out against anything antithetical to the Word of God in Christ.
I share the following websites as statements and information regarding January 6 that I have found encouraging and informative. I don’t have the answers, other than it will be imperative for us to find ways to work together, listen, learn, and continue to discern what God calls us to do.

Rev. Dr. Donna Patterson serves as Anam Cara Chaplain in Residence for Scarritt Bennett Center and directs the Center’s Soul Work program.