The Wisdom of Creation
O taste and see that the LORD is good;
happy are those who take refuge in him.
~Psalm 34:8
The change of seasons brings a heightened awareness to our senses. Spring is beginning to slip in with green shoots poking their way out of winter’s dormancy. Leaves and delicate buds on the trees somehow seem to make the birds songs sweeter. Or maybe, it’s the birds that are calling the tiny leaves to awaken to the warmth of a new day.
A season of fresh new beginnings, this spring especially is enticing us to emerge from a long, long period of isolation, fear, and uncertainty. Our whole world has experienced a greater sense of finitude, death and dying made vividly visible by the “breaking news” that flashes constantly across our screens that connect us virtually. We are longing to begin simple daily activities once again, without having sense of foreboding dread when we step out of our homes.
The wonders of God’s creation remind us of the consistency of God’s love. Each season brings its gifts of change – consistent and steady. Each day is a new beginning. As we begin to venture back out into the world this spring, we have opportunities and possibilities to open our eyes to see the freshness and beauty of new life. We can listen to the sounds of the birds singing, opening their hearts to the gifts of a new day. We can open our hearts to the wisdom of creation.
The following is an excerpt of a poem by Christine Valters Paintner, PhD from “Spring Mysteries” in The Wisdom of Wild Grace: Poems, followed by a question she asks of us.
Could it be that trees are sung into blooming
each spring as birds gather open-throated
on their long dark branches?
What can you sing into bloom in the transfiguration of winter into spring?
Blessings for a Beautiful and Joy-Filled Spring!
Photo by Sergey Shmidt on Unsplash