
The Gift of Hope

Hope is not an easy word for children and many adults. Hope goes beyond “wishful thinking.” Hope, in the biblical understanding knows that God is in charge of the world. Often we forget this fact. At times we think we are in charge, or the government, or terrorists, or our bosses or teachers. No God is in charge julietta casino online and each of us must articulate this over and over again.

The prophets articulated hope and in so doing they helped God’s people realize that the majority opinion or the status quo was not necessarily the will of God. They became more daring in their expression of hope; more open to the promises of God and returned to being faithful people.  Not only did they do this once, but over and over again, for hope must be rekindled on a regular basis.


Hope comes as we remember the stories of God at work in our lives.

Hope comes as we accept the fact that we must be faithful disciples of Jesus.

Hope is about the future, but that future starts now!

Hope strengthens our faith.

Hope gives energy to our actions for justice in the world.

Hope enlivens our prayers.

Hope assures us of God’s presence.


Join me in this prayer during this second week of Advent:

We are waiting and hoping Lord, for your coming. Our world appears dark, but we know you bring us light. For the fractures and broken parts of our lives, we know you bring healing and reconciliation. Our nation appears to be floundering, looking for direction, but we know you bring wisdom, equity, and justice. Remind us that your Spirit opens wide not only doors, but also hearts and minds. God is in our midst. Thanks be to God for the gift of hope.  Amen

Joyce SohlJoyce D. Sohl has been Laywoman-in-Residence since 2009 as a full-time volunteer. She retired as CEO of United Methodist Women in 2004. She is the author of 4 books, a teacher, retreat leader, writer and non-professional musician. Here at the Center her work is in the area of Spirituality & the Arts with such programs as Tuesdays in the Chapel, Vespers & All That Jazz, Poet’s Corner, and quarterly retreats and art exhibits.