Sacred Space on Election Day
Tomorrow, November 3, is a very important day for our nation.
Many have already endured long lines, the uncertainty of mail-in ballots, legal barriers, intimidation, and other such forms of voter suppression during early voting. Many more will head to the polls tomorrow to face the same. Many are voting for the very first time and many others have decided to re-engage with the voting process after a long absence because so much is at stake in this election.
We specifically want to acknowledge the risk for BIPOC communities in this moment. This election has many implications for civil rights, racial justice, and women’s equality. At Scarritt Bennett Center, these are all part of our core values as an institution. We understand that this election, like all elections, will define who we are as a nation and where we are going in the future. The stress of the day weighs heavy on our hearts. That is why we are offering multiple opportunities for meditation, prayer, and worship both on our campus and virtually.
One of our Core Values at Scarritt Bennett Center is the eradication of racism. We understand that the work of racial justice is spiritual warfare. We cannot win without divine intervention. So join us tomorrow in sacred space on our campus or virtually.
If you are in the Nashville area, you are welcome to come to Wightman Chapel, which will be for open prayer, meditation, and worship from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. On our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages, we will offer prayers, hymns, reflections, and quotes every hour for reflection, beginning when polls open at 7:00 am CST and until polls close at 7:00 pm CST
While we recognize the magnitude of this moment, we want to remind you that, as Howard Thurman said, “there is always lurking close at hand the trailing beauty of forgotten joy or unremembered peace.”
We are the hope that we need in this hour. Join us tomorrow in sacred space.