Lament in the Time of Turmoil
This is a difficult time in our country and the world. Many find themselves hurt and angry and filled with fear. Answers are not easily found. Between Covid 19, racial tension and unrest, and political chaos we are in the midst of turmoil. So I wrote the following lament. Please join me in this prayer:
Where are you God, in the midst of this chaos and unrest?
You claim to have created everyone in your own image.
If so, why are some so evil?
You have allowed bullying on the playground and in the political arenas.
You tolerate violence against those who are labeled “different” either due to race, religion, or their sexuality.
Greed has become the norm
Hate is rampant in the hearts and actions of many and hate groups are becoming bolder.
Fear is the dominant emotion
Where are you God?
Where are you God, in our divided community and country?
Health care for all is again up for grabs
Public education is threaten from within as well as in the political arenas
Immigration, the act of welcoming the stranger, is seen as threatening to jobs and welfare and wall are built to keep people out.
Children, women and racial minorities have once again become the lowest priority
Violence in our communities has many exposed daily to guns, improper and dangerous police behavior and verbal abuse
The earth is in extreme danger and our leaders don’t really care
Where are you God?
O God, we are tired of weeping.
We are marching, protesting and trying to plan and strategize change
God, we need you to do something now! Help us, please
Give us the courage to vote the convictions of our faith in you.
Purge our society of evil.
Stop the weeping children hungry for safety and love
Be passionate for justice – for you are a just God
Help all your children who need your special care – for you are a loving God.
Teach us to love, not hate; to talk with our neighbor, not ignore; to work for peace, not war/violence
Give us the courage to stand for justice in our prayers, deeds and public actions.
Do something, O God, for we are confused, frustrated and our hope is fragile.
Yes, God you are a God of mercy and righteousness
You have done many mighty deeds in our land
You will protect all your children from the evil of this world
Thank you God for your presence in the past and the assurance of your guiding presence as we move forward. Have mercy on us. Amen
Joyce D. Sohl, Laywoman-in-Residence
Joyce D. Sohl has been Laywoman-in-Residence since 2009 as a full-time volunteer. She retired as CEO of United Methodist Women in 2004. She is the author of 4 books, a teacher, retreat leader, writer and non-professional musician. Here at the Center her work is in the area of Spirituality & the Arts with such programs as Tuesdays in the Chapel, Vespers & All That Jazz, Poet’s Corner, quarterly retreats, and art exhibits.