Radical Hospitality | Grounded in our Christian tradition, we believe providing radical hospitality means creating a safe space for everyone to learn, engage, and find a seat at the table.
Eradication of Racism | We challenge societal assumptions about power, domination, and violence that use race and ethnic differences to create inequality and inequity.
Prophetic Justice | We work to realize a just society and promote activism on behalf of all those who live with injustice.
Empowerment of Women | We enable women to strengthen their voices for self-advocacy, leadership, and action.
Transformative Education | We build on our legacy of teaching and learning to empower people to be progressive catalysts in their communities.
Spiritual Enrichment | We are rooted in an understanding that tending to the soul buoys and strengthens individual and communal renewal.
Sacred Rituals | We value sacred rituals as ways of honoring and celebrating cultural expressions.