Have you ever seen the star?
The star of guidance
for the wise men as they journeyed
from the East to find Jesus;
for each pilgrim through the ages who has
sought to follow God’s will;
for those who seek to fulfill God’s vision
of shalom for all peoples;
for those who suffer and are torn
by conflict within and without;
for you and I as we give of ourselves
in service and love.
Have you ever seen this star?
The star of promise
of the coming of a shepherd, a savior
as foretold by the prophets;
of God’s continued presence in the world
and with each of us;
of a light shining on the ordinary
of our lives giving meaning and hope;
of new life through Jesus Christ as reflected
often in the smile of a child;
of peace, goodwill and well-being
for all God’s children.
Have you ever seen this star?
The star of faith
in the knowledge that Jesus loves me
and I am a child of God’s;
in the power of Christ’s birth, death and
resurrection to bring salvation
to all of creation;
in the midst of war, conflict, scandal and
pandemic giving the light of hope;
in God’s call to each of us to respond
to Christ and participate
in God’s mission.
Have you ever seen this star?
The Bethlehem star still shines today.
It is a star that given guidance
to all on the journey of life.
It is a star full of God’s promises
of love, peace and justice.
It is a star of faith that lights
the path of each disciple.
Look carefully for the star.
Look very carefully for the star
these last days of Christmas
It is here as it was in Bethlehem,
a symbol of the Christ
shining in our world,
shining in our lives.
These reflections are for use during the week of January 3-9, 2021.
Joyce D. Sohl
Joyce D. Sohl has been Laywoman-in-Residence since 2009 as a full-time volunteer. She retired as CEO of United Methodist Women in 2004. She is the author of 4 books, a teacher, retreat leader, writer and non-professional musician. Here at the Center her work is in the area of Spirituality & the Arts with such programs as Tuesdays in the Chapel, Vespers & All That Jazz, Poet’s Corner, quarterly retreats, and art exhibits.