Advent Devotional for December 24
“When the angel came to her, he said, “Rejoice, favored one! The Lord is with you!” Luke 1:28
The nature of faith in response to new or unfamiliar asks of us is contrary to our instincts. When someone makes a claim on our time and attention without reason or context, it can shock our minds and possibly even cause an unwelcome shift away from our comfort zones. Yet, such asks are all too common. Small children, loving couples, and covenant groups trust those they love with such willing and open hearts that challenging and truthful statements are taken on without hostility. On the other hand, many of us struggle even with context, reason, and logic on our sides simply because of being told to engage in one way or another without getting to choose for ourselves which way to go and what that way will require of us. Our pride gets the better of us, and faith goes out the window.
I wonder if Mary had this struggle, hearing a title and claim on her as one who is favored. Yes, this was good news, but even Mary was immediately suspicious. It’s as if she was like any average person, thinking, “This is too good to be true.” She seems to have engaged Gabrielle much like any of us might by letting her perplexion lead her to the logical question of her virginity in light of this impossible news. As we have the benefit of hindsight, this gives hope to those of us who wonder if it is possible to have a mind that is unsure and yet have the mind of Christ.
While it is true and a good thing not to believe that all that glitters is gold and to accept the first thing we hear that sounds good, it is just as true that blessings of divine inspiration are possible and can even come from the voices of angels. Mary shows us that the due diligence of questions and discernment are also welcome and part of us living out our faith. This young woman grows up from child-like ways into purposeful and faithful service to God. Mary was not quick to respond and affirm the angel Gabrielle’s celebratory words. She asked questions. If we never thought we had permission to pause in dialogue and learn in mind and spirit before committing ourselves to God’s direction, Let this be our invitation. Sure enough, Mary grew in her understanding and her faith as she gained from hearing of Elizabeth’s unexpected blessing of pregnancy as well as insight into her future and the child she will birth into the world. She allowed her mind to receive Gabriell’s words but took it another step and made haste to see Elizabeth for herself in body. Even more so, she stayed at Elizabeth’s home for three months, and if we do the math, that was when the baby would be born and thus more proof of what she had already been told and began to believe.
Rather than shying away or discounting the possibilities in the angel’s words, Mary engages in the moment. She opens herself up and sees what will happen with Jesus, sees what happened with Elizabeth, and sees her part in God’s story. Her faith grew, beginning with words and actions built on her foundational beliefs and trust in God. May we listen and pay attention to what God is doing with every invitation to listen and look just as Mary did as she discerned and made haste to discover the signs of God’s good news.
Look! Tomorrow comes with a promise of hope, love, peace, and joy. Rejoice, favored one! The birth of the Son is nearly here. But don’t simply take my word for it. Ask questions. Journey the journey of faith. Come and see where your life of faith will lead.
By Linda Furtado
Director of Spirituality and Arts
This devotional was written in participation with The Vine UMC for their Advent devotional book available for purchase here.