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Introducing the Alice Cobb Interfaith House at Scarritt Bennett Center

By Dr. Jackie L. Halstead

I am pleased to announce an initiative that will begin in January 2015–the Alice Cobb Interfaith House. More than a location, the Alice Cobb Interfaith House will be both a context and catalyst for interfaith dialogue and community. The mission of the program is to embrace those who are interested in addressing spiritual formation and interfaith dialogue as integral parts of living an active life for justice with an emphasis on exploring the role of the arts.

Guiding Principles for the ACIH

 In 1988, Scarritt Bennett Center developed a set of guiding principles, which influenced the Center’s program development.  For the Alice Cobb Interfaith House at Scarritt Bennett Center, these guiding principles will shape the programming as the participants engage in communal and individual formation while committing to be an impetus for interfaith collaboration within the local, national, and international communities.

My goals for the program are two-fold. First, that it be a celebration of the unique aspects of each faith tradition. There are times when differences are diminished for the sake of collaboration. The offerings of this program will instead accent these differences and allow for a venue to show and teach what each faith tradition brings to the community. The second goal is that we are able to offering programming that comes from a deep place of faith. How does a person from each tradition live out their faith in Nashville and the world?

Keep an eye on our website for a calendar of events for the Alice Cobb Interfaith House. You will not want to miss them!

Jackie L. Halstead is the Director of Education, Programming and Connections at Scarritt Bennett Center. She holds certificates from two programs with the Shalem Institute–Spiritual Guidance and Leading Contemplative Prayer Groups and Retreats and is a member of the Lay Cistercians of Gethsemani Abbey. Jackie has a Ph.D. in Marriage and Family Therapy and specializes in working with clergy and their families.

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